Thursday 12 April 2012

Review: Aku no Monogatari (Story of Evil)


Sorry for leaving you hanging for about 4 months. It seems like the only time I can focus on something is when I'm supposed to be doing something else. So, you can all thank my upcoming math final for this update :D
Since it's my first blog post after a very long absence, I thought I'd review something a little different: a song, or rather, a series of songs. I actually spent a lot of time exploring this story and facets of its creation, so this post isn't only about the songs, but the story, the creator, and the medium in which it was presented. And to top it all off, this is a really, really long blog post. But before you close your browser windows in disgust, please humor me for a few more paragraphs...

Monday 23 January 2012

Update: New Look, Same Old Me

Welcome to my humble (online) abode!!

I know I promised you a post way back in December. Unfortunately, I'm a shameless procrastinator and feel no obligation to honour promises I make on the internet, even if they are in writing. I did some thinking over Christmas break (well I really just read a lot of manga) and I now have a clear(er) vision of where I see this blog going.

This blog is continually evolving, and the latest addition is a chat bar. If you have a request for a review or just want to communicate with me or any followers, post a message!
Also, I now have a separate twitter identity! So now I can post mini-updates in between blog posts and I won't feel so guilty if I miss a scheduled post. Also, I sometimes come across stuff on the internet that I find interesting but don't necessarily want to write an entire post about, so there will be stuff in my tweets that don't get mentioned on the blog. Basically, follow me on twitter @UnrepentantOtak (I realize that "otaku" is missing the "u" but twitter wouldn't let me add any more characters to my username) so you can fully immerse yourself in the unrepentant world of the otaku :D

Finally, I've revised my update schedule. I was posting twice every week while this blog was an assignment, but that made it more like work than a hobby. I don't want to tie myself to a specific day, but expect an update every week or so, most likely on the weekends. If there will be really long delay I'll announce it on twitter, and if you don't have twitter you can still get mini-updates by visiting the blog and checking out the twitter feed on the right-hand side (under the chat box).

Happy year of the dragon!!!

- Unrepentant Otak(u)